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Stylesheet setup

All styling in the Norton Design System is done directly in CSS using the Sass modules exposed by the @wwnds/core library. This library can be used either as one single global stylesheet for your entire application or as the basis for a modular approach. Both approaches are covered here.

Single stylesheet

The simplest way to use the design system's styling is to use a single global stylesheet. This can be accomplished with either the pre-built CSS or the full Sass entry point.

Pre-built CSS

Two CSS files are included in our release distributions of @wwnds/core.

  • dist/main.css - the complete stylesheet.
  • dist/tokens.css - only the global design tokens (excluding component tokens), set on the :root element.
<!-- in a Node.js project -->
<link href="node_modules/@wwnds/core/dist/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<!-- using unpkg as a CDN (not suitable for production but ideal for prototyping) -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

Custom build

If you would like to customize something but still use the complete stylesheet, it is recommended that you use the full Sass entry point. For instance, the following will be identical to the dist/main.css file but with the primary color family assigned to yellow (default is teal).

@use '@wwnds/core/full' with (
$primary-family: 'yellow',

Note that a similar approach can be accomplished by using the complete mixin to create your own complete stylesheet.

Modular usage

Using the Sass modules directly is ideal for scenarios where a single global stylesheet is not desired, such as in a React environment or when you only want to use part of the design system.


The best way to get started with modular stylesheets is to @forward a configured version of the design system for use in your stylesheets. This acts as the main place where Sass variables are configured to meet the needs of your application's look and feel and does not itself contain any declarations.

// note: name this file whatever makes sense to you

@forward '@wwnds/core' with (
$font-family-base: 'My fancy font',
$radius-base: var(--nds-radius-xl),
$primary-family: 'cyan',

Once your configured version of @wwnds/core has been forwarded, it should be @used anywhere you need to use the core mixins or functions.

Setting tokens

At a minimum, you must create and use one global stylesheet to set the design tokens as CSS custom properties. This is because every component, utility, and helper in the design system uses our design tokens.

@use 'nds'; // the configured & forwarded src/styles/_nds.scss

@include nds.tokens; // contains `:root` declarations with CSS custom properties

// optionally include other globals, such as the HTML reset styles
@include nds.reset;

Other approaches

Other approaches, such as using the @import syntax or CSS-in-JS may work but aren't well-tested. Use them at your own risk.

CSS modules

While not well tested, CSS modules can be composed with core styles in environments that support CSS modules, such as in React.

@use '../../styles/nds';

// apply the default design system styles for the button component
@include nds.button-style;
@use '../../styles/nds'; // the configured & forwarded src/styles/_nds.scss

.btn {
// override a component token
--nds-button-border-radius: var(--nds-radius-pill);

// set additional styles with core
margin-bottom: nds.spacer("1rem");
import React from "react";
import { Button } from "@wwnds/react";
// main design system button styles
import "./nds-button.scss";
// modular styles
import styles from "./index.module.scss";

export const CustomButton = ({ children, ...props }) => (
<Button className={styles.btn} {...props}>